
"The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest."

Matthew 9:37-38

Heart For His Harvest

African Mission Field

Our Commitment

We are a community that is committed to our place in God's plan to advance the gospel both locally and throughout all the nations. We have partnered with missionaries as well as sent out those from within our congregation. Our desire is to prayerfully and financially support these laborers to go and gather the harvest that Jesus has secured with His life, death, and resurrection.

Our Support

Our supported missionaries serve a variety of people groups in the following mission fields:

  • Central Asia
  • India
  • Nepal
  • Northern Africa
  • USA
Glove Mission Fields
Missionary speaks to church

Our Prayer

We look forward to the updates from our missionaries both in letter and in person and are edified in the news that they bring. We are actively praying to The Lord for the specific needs of our missionaries and that we may send out laborers from within our own church to go into our local communities and beyond.