Letter From The Pastor

Man Smiling

When we meet to worship God together, there is an element found in corporate worship that cannot be found elsewhere—singing songs filled with eternal profound truths; truths that the church has been proclaiming for nearly 2,000 years. Looking to the other side of the room to see your friends give heart and soul to the same, does much for a person; there is a strong sense of belonging and unity. The shared solemnity at our times around The Lord’s table, the ending of our services in corporate prayer, and the personal time of sharing in Bible Studies —all of these times together help us experience that we truly are, a part of 'The Family of God.'

From my unique viewpoint behind the pulpit on Sunday Mornings I can see on the faces of my friends the times when all of us are encouraged and strengthened by God’s Word, and the times when we are together, yet individually, convicted by His Word. We are firmly convinced of the value of the expository method of preaching: sermons that come from the Biblical text itself; sermons that are understood in the context of the paragraph from which they are found, in the larger contexts of the book itself, and ultimately in view of the Bible as a whole. God speaks to us from His word. God’s word is truly living and active, and “profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be competent, equipped for every good work.”

We invite you warmly to be a part of our church body. We are committed to caring for one another practically, to helping one another to walk in step with The Spirit and to conform more and more to the likeness of Christ. We have a great desire to see others come into a very real relationship with our wonderful Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, and to experience all the blessings that come with belonging to Him.

Please feel free to email me with any of your questions.

In His Service,
Pastor Troy Burns